Top Myths Related to Web Design, Development, and Application

5 Myths in Website Design

1. Appearance is the most      important aspect of      website design 2. No need for a mobile      version of the site

3. Design is all about      making a website      attractive 4. Good web design is       expensive

5. Aesthetics are more      important than function

5 Common Myths in     Web Development

1. Once your site is       live it’s finished 2. Why do I still need to pay      if there are free website      services?

3. Web development      consumes less time 4. More features on the      website mean more      customers

5. Websites are launched      with the flick of a switch

Top 5 Web Application Myths

1. Web application      development is limited in      its functionality 2. Web application      development lacks security

3. Web application      development is Expensive 4. We don’t have to worry      about Security: Our site is      too small to be targeted

5. It is easy to create a      custom web or mobile      application

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