Top 5 Tips to Keep Bug-Free Software

Bug-Free Software

Do you have any bugs in your software and do you want to bug-free software? Of course, it does, given that every piece of software in existence contains flaws and the idea of software that is bug-free is untrue. By employing a few theoretical yet useful mitigating approaches, flaws, mistakes, and security issues can still be considerably reduced.

When it comes to bug tracking, there is a lot of discipline required because it necessitates motivating everyone to follow the rules. It can be challenging to forbid any casual communication, particularly in startups and creatively oriented sectors. In many instances, employees don’t even identify “bug tracking” as their most concentrated effort in a project.

What is Bug-Tracking?


Therefore, a bug tracking system organizes all the data regarding reported errors and keeps tabs on the progress of each bug. While tracking difficulties, you can obviously see the need for thorough information. In addition to a significant amount of time, providing enough data calls for a wealth of software development expertise.

The Bug Classification:

There are three types of software bugs

  1. Implementation defects
  2. Missing specifications
  3. Incorrect specifications

These bug types can all be categorized as major issues with ease (or reclassified as an improvement). Some of the reclassification rules that Sam Haltom, the founder of, employs are listed above.

  • Are we losing money because of the erroneous specification? For instance, the specification calls for tracking click count when tracking spending is more appropriate. reclassify as a bug.
  • Can we ignore the implementation flaw? For example, a web font is being installed when it ought to be integrated into the program.
  • Is there a new function implied by the missing specification? Users cannot, for instance, share or alter the information associated with their social network profiles.

Since the development team is instructed to prioritize bugs over all other work, the stakes are elevated for the product managers to effectively categorize defects. Until all bugs are fixed, the developers will not work or do anything else.

Team Quality Standards for Bug-Free Software:

The decision-making process used by a design and development team to determine whether or not an app virus can be categorized as an enhancement infers the team’s quality standards. A brand owner who places a high priority on high-quality graphics, for instance, can have a poor tolerance for design inconsistencies. Instead, they would designate these issues as bugs.

The ability to continuously adjust expectation vs. reality while maintaining a disciplined delivery strategy that prioritizes your team’s quality standards is made possible by a consistent categorization system.

The Bug Failure:

According to recent studies, software bugs account for about 40% of system failures, while other security issues and programming flaws account for 60% of those failures and are often related to concurrency and memory management. The greatest strategy to boost the security, stability, and reliability of your software is to reduce software bugs in your application.

Tips to Keep Bug-Free Software:

The creators of the logging tool Smart Inspect employed a variety of techniques to maintain a high level of system quality. Some of the methods they employed are included in the list that is provided above.

1. Creating Communication Room:

Communication room

Bug detection and reporting require the ability to locate pertinent data, which is subsequently included in each problem report. Numerous bug tracking and quality control applications, like User snap, provide the option to automatically connect the necessary data. However, there will always be a chance for incomplete or misinterpreted information, necessitating effective communication.

There is no room for that level of disclosure between developers and testers in some testing settings. Questions like, “How do I contact the responsible experts?” At the start of the bug tracking procedure, questions such as “Is it acceptable to request feedback through phone or email?” must be addressed.

Try to get everyone on the same page and establish a feedback-oriented culture where the work of both parties is recognized in the same way to prevent misunderstandings between testers and developers.

2. Keep it One-On-One:

Don’t talk about bugs during project meetings. Don’t get me wrong, though. Working in a group to find, reproduce, and solve bugs is not a negative thing. However, avoid having lengthy discussions with the entire cabinet to discuss issues. Thomas Pelham, a tech blogger for, claims that reporting issues and then debating them during the subsequent development phase known as “retest” is a very slow process.

It is, in fact, much more effective to keep it personal. Each bug report is linked between the specified and the problem solver, as Yeager explained in his paper on the five principles of bug-tracking. There are just 2 key duties (with two different roles) for resolving a reported issue, regardless of the number of participants in the process.

3. Ensure a Buy-in from Your Team:

A good bug-tracking database would be useless if nobody on your team used it. The ideal way to begin is to gather all of your stakeholders (customer service, quality assurance, project managers, and developers) and have them examine tools and try to come to a choice collectively. Defects should be recorded and handled consistently by utilizing the same system.

Here are some strategies you can use if you’re having trouble persuading folks to join you;

Another option to make a process more effective is to have QA or support validate customer-reported defects and enter the precise procedures in the database before notifying the developers. One of the most crucial elements of having a solid and consistent project management framework is efficiently tracking your software bugs.

You already have access to a very potent debugger if you use programmers like Visual Studio or Delphi, so you should use it. When working in a scripting environment, where flaws are frequently removed through trial and error. The method not only makes it difficult to find and fix issues, but it can also be quite dangerous. If you don’t completely understand your code and are unable to step through it using a debugger. There are debuggers for nearly anything, so do yourself and your team a favor and buy a good debugging platform.

4. Know What a ‘Closed’ Bug Means:

Have you ever participated in a conversation over a bug being closed? Congratulations, then—you have just experienced the worst bug-tracking scenario imaginable.

If you ever find yourself in a conversation about the “bug status,” think about taking a step back and reflecting on the following issues:

  • Whose duty is it to accept the outcomes?
  • What standards govern acceptance?
  • Who is in charge of providing the command?

Look up the definition of “closed.” In the vast majority of development teams, the individual who made the correction closes the problem. Pelham advises the original bug reporter to close the bug report. The reporter should be asked to close the report once the developer has proposed a fix for a particular bug. This would guarantee that the software snarls can be sufficiently fixed by the feedback.

5. Virtual Machines for Bug-Free Software:

Use virtual machines with tools like Virtual PC or other accessible virtualization technologies. Virtual machines test your software for problems in as many different operating systems and environments as you can. This strategy allows you to test your program on a variety of setups while saving a ton of time because you can easily clone, share, and reset virtual machines.

For every operating system you frequently test, it is always better to develop a number of standard images and save them on a file server. You can start with one of the base images without installing the operating system. That is Necessary for applications, drivers, etc. when you need a very precise configuration to test anything.

Create Your Bug-Free Software:

Every reported bug in a project necessitates more effort to be spent fixing it. Therefore, bug tracking involves sensitive bug fixers as well as bug trackers with excellent communication abilities. Your team can try to be more productive while reporting any sort of technological or security difficulty using the tracking hacks listed above. Contact Arisen Technologies Software Developers and create your bug-free software. We are providing 100% secure software services in India, the USA, the UK, Australia, Brazil and etc.

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